Tuesday, January 25, 2011

is everyone a “SHOPAHOLIC” now-a-days?!

This very thought struck me as I sat watching the movie "Confession of a Shopaholic" for the umpteenth time with my nightly cup of coffee(will get to that later, my new "addiction").

What is the definition of a shopaholic anyway?! Someone who is addicted to shopping??! What about the people who shops rarely, but when they does, they spend an insane amount of money?! What about the people who often just go to the shops or malls just to spend their time and invariably end up buying something every single time?! What about those who are emotionally connected to the shopping where it helps their well-being?! What about those people who spend considerable amount of time trawling through numerous shops looking for exactly what they want?! What about those people who gaze longingly at merchandise in a window wishing they had enough money to own it??! If given the money, time and chance is EVERYONE a shopaholic??!

What happened to those occasions where the whole would get dressed up and go together and hit the shops just before a festival season or a family celebration?! Those rare opportunities still exist but they are not one off!!.......they are coupled with our constant need to be around new merchandise at every possible moment and have the very newest and the best available!! We seem to get drawn to the newest shops like moths to a flame! We just have to something interesting, new or even remotely different, we are there exploring it!

And it not just being around the newest and best stuff but when it comes down to it, it's about "owning it"!! We seem to have this very primal urge to own what we see, what we find interesting, what appeals to us!!........that coupled with our desire to spend.......spend the money as we believe it makes up feel better......"RETAIL THERAPY"...........does it actually work?! Or is it a concept invented and then ingrained into us just to increase consumerism?!? Have we grown so accustomed to it that we can't even distinguish what we actually feel after making a purchase?! Have we been so brainwashed that we delude ourselves into thinking that spending is somehow helping make your mood better!?!

So, in the end.......does it actually make you feel better?! Personally, i would say an emphatic "yes"!! of course, it does.......and i have the absolute privilege of being called the ultimate shopaholic among all of my friends!.......one of my very personality traits that i am very proud of!.........my parents might have an issue with that.......but hey, they never stopped it.......they always enable it.....from my childhood.........while my mom bought a sari or two at a given time or my dude bought a 3 shirts or material for his pants........they always splashed their cash around for me.........always at least 4 or more outfits at a go!!..........because i am an only childhood??! I don't know........but i have grown-up getting "really" used to that idea..........as i got used to going alone on shopping sprees.....they, i believe, realized their mistake!!......unfortunately for them, there is going back!!

As to the reason, i shop........very simply, it makes me feel better..........the lights, the people, the buying itself gives me a high that i don't get from anything else?!.......am i addicted to shopping?? Of course, how can i not be.........although, i have realized that it all depends on your mood........there was an extended period of time when i didn't shop at all...........a shock to all my friends.........i believe i was in a state of mourning........and no, at that time....i had no appeal to shop....and it didn't make me feel better either!!...........maybe, you need the correct state of mind to shop..........then whatever happens to its tag of "feel good" factor.......??!......hhmmm......sometimes you don't need to shop.....you just need to accompany someone who is shopping.........even can be very exhilarating........and i happen to be an AWESOME shopping helper-assister-accompanier-tagalong....whatever you want to call me.........i have had the best of times helping my friends shop.........and i have it in good authority that they have too!!.......so at the end of it, is it all about bonding?!!

There is not set definition for a shopaholic anymore.........because in one way or another we all are shopaholic......yes, even men too!!.....hell, especially men.......with their precise eye, unnerving attention and unwavering single-mindedness..........i do believe most women need to learn from men how to be a shopaholic........as most women do end up buying stuff that wont fit us or is just plain ugly or we know we will never wear!!......men are good at making decisions that will result in good buys even of they are on a spree...........i believe it that constant stream of money, restlessness, boredom, laziness and a million other reasons that have contributed to this lifestyle of shopaholics to thrive!

Whatever the reason, all that matters in the end is that shopping makes us feel better??.........yes, roaming listlessly in huge corporate-run money-guzzling stores makes us happy.............especially relieving ourselves of the hard-earned money on a swipe of a card or a flick of the wrist elevates our mood..........irrespective of the purpose, function or usability of our purchase, holding that purchase gives us a momentary giddiness that is unparalleled!!.......and look at what it has come to........we want exclusive, one-of-a-kind objects that no one has...........who cares if you just might have to sell your soul to "own" it, ehhhh??!!

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